Queensland Government adds a planning and development lawyer to scientific koala panel. http://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au/story/ 4165731/scientific-koala-panel-boosted-with-planning-and-development-lawyer/?cs=5223 Brian Williams 14 Sep 2016, 4:03 p.m.…
Redland City Bulletin http://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au/story/ 4100849/koala-walk-turns-up-19-furry-critters/?cs=213 Spotters find 19 koalas in Cleveland 17 Aug 2016, 11 a.m. Koala Action Group members and…
The Queensland Government is seeking feedback from landholders and other stakeholders about the draft self-assessable clearing code for managing thickened vegetation.…