Save the Koala Month drawing competition
Terms and Conditions:
One entry per person
Closing date September 30, 2019
Send entries to admin@koalagroup.asn.au (max. 1MB) or post to KAG PO Box 660, Capalaba 4157
Provide name, age, contact details and name of school with each entry
Winners will be notified by email
Winning entries will be displayed on the Koala Action Group display board at Capalaba Park Shopping Centre
Koala Family Day by the Bay
WHEN: Sunday September 29, 2019 starting at 2pm
WHERE: GJ Walter Park, Shore St East Cleveland
Free sausage sizzle
Koala spotting walk (leaves from car park area at 3.00pm). It is planned that groups will fan out and search other nearby parks for koalas and record their sightings on maps. Sun safe clothing, enclosed shoes and water are essential and cameras and binoculars highly recommended.
Koala information display and activities
Email admin@koalagroup.asn.au for further information and to register your interest in this event

Local high school
students around Redlands Coast are creating artworks inspired by the social, cultural,
environmental and economic value of koalas to our community.
Come along and celebrate the work of these emerging young
artists at an exhibition to be held during Save the Koala Month.
Saturday 14 September, until 31 October 2019
Redland Performing Arts Centre (RPAC)
Gallery Level 2
2-16 Middle Street, Cleveland
All ages welcome
For more information please contact IndigiScapes on (07) 3824 8611