Local news item from Redlands2030.net
Redlands2030 Newsletter – 7 February 2025
Landscape Architect speaks about the Better Plan for Toondah Harbour – 19 February at the Redland Museum
Award winning urban design expert Mr John Mongard will speak about the Toondah Harbour Concept Plan at a public meeting hosted by the Toondah Alliance on 19 February 2025.
DATE: Wednesday 19 February
TIME: Doors open at 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start, finishing 8:00pm
Venue: Redland Museum in Smith Street, Cleveland.
Seating capacity is limited. To attend this event it is essential that you RSVP by email to: thereporter@redlands2030.net
More information in the latest story on the Redlands2030 website: