ACF Bayside / Redlands2030 Community Meeting – Monday 20th March

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Date(s) - 20/03/2023
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Cleveland Scout Hall


ACF Bayside / Redlands2030 Community Meeting – Monday 20th March
Mayoral candidate Jos Mitchell will speak at the next ACF Bayside / Redlands2030 community meeting on Monday 20th March.
Other items up for discussion at this meeting will include:
• Council bans ratepayer from making a complaint: hear the inside story.
• Ormiston College expansion plans threaten koala habitat: a local perspective.
• Toondah Harbour update: Millie Formby’s “landing” & the 2023 Mother’s Day Walk.
• EPBC control of Heinemann Road Sport and Recreation plans.
• Redland City Council news including outcomes of recent meetings.
• Community updates:
o Cleveland Heritage Precinct;
o Birkdale Whitewater Facility;

Please RSVP If You Wish To Attend
This gathering is open to members of the Redlands community on the basis of a booking being made and sufficient seating being available.

We have an attendance cap, so please book in advance of the meeting by email to

HOST: ACF Community Bayside & Redlands2030 Inc

WHERE: Cleveland Scout Hall at the corner of Bainbridge and Gordon Streets at Ormiston.

WHEN: Monday 20 March 2023. The hall opens at 6:00 pm and the meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm.

Mask-wearing is voluntary – please ensure social distancing
Sign-in from 6:00 pm, the meeting will start at 6:30 pm
Refreshments and socialising over tea/coffee from 8:30 pm
Your support and attendance will help make the night a success.

Your small donation will help offset venue and catering costs and an EFTPOS machine is available