News Oodegeroo candidate Claire Richardson illustrates the potential scale of the proposed Toondah Harbour in a campaign video – RCB OCTOBER 6 2020 - 2:00PM OODGEROO candidate Claire Richardson has released a video explaining the need to upgrade the Toondah Harbour…Koala Action GroupOctober 6, 2020
News More than half of government environmental scientists say their work has been suppressed: report – ABC ABC Science By environment reporter Nick Kilvert 9 September 2020 More than half of environmental scientists working for Australian federal and state…Koala Action GroupSeptember 9, 2020
News Queensland finally releases five-year strategy to save our koalas – BT By Tony Moore August 30, 2020 — 9.15am The Queensland government on Saturday finally released its five-year conservation strategy for the threatened…Koala Action GroupAugust 30, 2020
News Redland City Council endorses plan for Geoff Skinner Wetlands at Wellington Point – RCB AUGUST 24 2020 - 1:00PM In last week's general meeting, councillors voted to call for feedback on the benefits of low-key…Koala Action GroupAugust 25, 2020
News Redland City Council votes against changes to add wildlife corridor work to City Plan – RCB JULY 27 2020 - 3:30PM AFTER years of back and forth, a plan to increase regulated protection for Redlands wildlife corridors…Koala Action GroupJuly 27, 2020
News ‘Fundamental failure’: Environment Department not protecting koala habitat – BT By Mike Foley Climate and energy correspondent for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. July 19, 2020 — 11.59pm Only…Koala Action GroupJuly 20, 2020
News Let there be no doubt: blame for our failing environment laws lies squarely at the feet of government – The Conversation June 29, 2020 6.11am AEST Peter Burnett Honorary Associate Professor, ANU College of Law, Australian National University A long-awaited draft review…Koala Action GroupJune 30, 2020
News KAG Newsletter April – June 2020 Action GroupJune 29, 2020
News Koala recovery plan five years overdue as populations are ‘smashed’ – BT By Mike Foley June 21, 2020 — 5.13pm A recovery plan to help bring koala populations back to health is five years…Koala Action GroupJune 21, 2020